
Updates & Info

Winter Jobs

Have some time to spare? Want to lend a helping hand and earn some extra cards while you’re at it? We welcome any and all donations you can send our way!

Currently working out the kinks in the script, so for now, send any donations along via email or contact form. Thanks ♥

Level Badge Donations

Limit 1 complete badge set ( 10 badges ) per month
Reward 5 random cards and 15 snowballs per set

  • Level badges must be 200 x 100 pixels in dimension.
  • Badges must be saved as either .jpg, .gif, or .png.
  • Badges must include snow and the level name on them. A complete badge set will have a total of 10 badges ( One – Ten ).
  • Badges should be zipped and saved in a folder titled yourname-** and named as ##.ext, with ** being the number of the set you are donating and ## being the level number. For example, if it is Demo’s first time donating a badge set, he / she / ze would name the files 01.png, 02.png, 03.png, etc. and save them in a folder named demo-01.
  • Directory tree should look as such: demo-01 / 01.png 02.png 03.png and so on.

Link Button Donations

Limit 1 complete button set ( 3 buttons ) per month
Reward 3 random cards and 10 snowballs per set

  • Link buttons must be either 100 x 35 or 88 x 31 pixels in dimension.
  • Buttons must be saved as either .jpg, .gif, or .png.
  • Buttons must include snow on them.
  • Buttons should be zipped and saved in a folder named according to dimensions and named as yourname##.ext ( e.g. demo01.png, demo02.png saved in a folder named 100x35 ).
  • Directory tree should look as such: 100x35 / demo01.png demo02.png demo03.png

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