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that the apple’s a rose
posted by Jannet on 20 August 2016

New Members: Myubi, hello and welcome! ヾ(✿❛◡❛)ノ))。₀: *゜

Level Ups: ( 2 – 3 ) Auriianna, ( 3 – 4 ) Echo, Maron

Masteries: Amber ( number47, sailorgems ), angelrose ( angelicgoddess ), Cassidy ( deimondevilbats ), Koshiba ( sunguardians ), Lex ( patissiere )

Game Updates: Weekly

New Decks:

Click here for the update freebies. Please comment on this post with what you have taken. Thank you!
Remember you may only take freebies from updates that were posted on the day you joined and onwards.

When it Rains, it Floods

Can I just ask why all okay, maybe not all. two really, but these two were my childhood the shounen mangaka are ending their series by marrying off the protagonists and giving them children? Like, that is not why I read and kept up with the series? If I really wanted that sort of ending, I would read Ouran or something similar where I can follow along and squee at the romantic development. It just feels like such a cop-out. And it just might be where I am in my life right now, but the message I'm getting is "you haven't really accomplished anything or achieved any sort of real happiness unless you get married and have children." And I know that one was a rushed ending and the other was pretty much setting up the scene for its sequel, but JKR also did the same thing to Harry Potter and said she was pretty much done with it which is apparently not the case anymore, and it's just super disappointing having an awesome series wrap up in such a contrived way.

I'm not talking about the Kalos League. I'm not talking about the Kalos League. I'm not talking about the Kalos League. I'm just going to be taking this salt with me to my grave. Plot Armor is super effective.

In TCG news, the voting ended up in favour of official art only. So if you suggested fanart and remember which decks they were for, please let me know so I can take them off the suggested decks list. If not, don't worry about it C:

That's it for this week! I always feel like these updates are so short, but I guess that's just how mini TCG updates are.

Till next time

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