
Updates & Info

Join snow


  • Username must be unique, preferably without any numbers or symbols. Check the members list to see if your desired username has already been taken. Do note if your desired username includes a space, you will need to include that space when you login.
  • For security purposes please choose a password that you do not use anywhere else.
  • A valid email address and website are required to participate fully in this TCG.
  • Member cards may feature fanart as long as the original artist gives explicit written permission for use of their artwork on graphics and you provide a link in the comments showing where they state that permission.
  • All of your activity is logged by the site, but please don’t use that as an excuse to grow complacent about keeping detailed trade logs. And although it may seem like common sense, do not take cards if you have not actually received them.
  • You are free to take cards from any and all updates from the day you join and onwards as long as you comment on the update.

Join Form

This is an automated form and you will receive your starter pack immediately. Starter packs consist of 1 random card from your collecting deck and 5 random cards from random decks.

Please be patient when submitting the form. Your logs are in the process of being created. On a side note, if you are joining during your birth month, it would be prudent to join on any date other than the first in order to receive your birthday rewards for the month. Otherwise you will have to wait a whole year before receiving them.

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