what will next prove a rose
Republished due to lost during migration (May 23, 2020)
Level Ups: ( 1 – 2 ) Mio, ( 2 – 3 ) Cami
Masteries: Adelicya ( strawberryvalentine ), Hotaru ( moonkeeper, sunguardians ), Koshiba ( urbanexorcists ), Rosenel ( priceoffate1 ), Samichan ( darknight )
Game Updates: Weekly
New Decks:
Click here for the update freebies. Please comment on this post with what you have taken. Thank you!
Remember you may only take freebies from updates that were posted on the day you joined and onwards.
⌜ Hello Soul, Bye Soul, Come Back Soul ⌟
Twin Saga gave my soul back only for Kuroko no Basket to steal it -cries- Now I really want a sports anime TCG but I can hardly keep up with a mini TCG and and and ... I just want my soul back at this point TT^TT
Also I finally updated my computer and the new Chrome interface is weirding me out, and I don't know why. I guess I was just so used to the old version, this is going to take some time getting used to. I keep on thinking the home button is an arrow @.@
Short updates will probably keep happening until my soul stops running off with the first pretty thing it finds come back soul ~ Till next time