the rose is a rose
New Members: Etna, Miri, hello and welcome! ヾ(✿❛◡❛)ノ))。₀: *゜
Level Ups: ( 1 – 2 ) Beatrix, Josie, May, ( 2 – 3 ) Eon, Kairi, ( 3 – 4 ) Amber
Masteries: Amber ( firewaterwind, pharaoh, twinstars ), Cassidy ( eternalsnow, inspring ), Dina ( sunshinedragon ), Eon ( inspring, inwinter ), Hotaru ( moonstars, summertime ), Josie ( bubblebath ), Kairi ( cagedbirds ), Kearin ( appletree, passionateembrace ), Koshiba ( models ), Lee ( cherries, moonkeeper, peacefulspring ), Maron ( obsession ), moe ( vampireslayers ), Rosenel ( littlelamb ), Samichan ( heavensfeel, summerstroll ), Story ( thunderbeast ), Vanja ( cranes, detectives )
Game Updates: Weekly
Affiliates: Music on demand C:
New Decks:
Click here for the update freebies. Please comment on this post with what you have taken. Thank you!
Remember you may only take freebies from updates that were posted on the day you joined and onwards.
⌜ Sunday Edit ↠ Escalating Tensions ⌟
I'm 98% positive that my parents are on the verge of divorce, which a part of me is happy about since they are the epitome of an unhealthy relationship, but a large part of me is worried about what's going to happen during and afterwards. Especially since I've been living with them for financial reasons and I don't know what's going to happen to my living situation.
I have a part-time unpaid internship at the moment, but I'm feeling the pressure to try and find a part-time paying job so I'd be able to help my mother if / when we do leave this house. I'm going to try and keep working on snow, but it's probably going to be super slow until everything is resolved. I'm putting this message here in case things escalate between my parents this week and I'm unable to post an update this Saturday.
Take care everyone! And hopefully I'll see you this Saturday!
⌜ Time Management: Level Up! ⌟
So many deck masterships this week Congratulations everyone ~ And I managed to make a few new upcoming decks as well, yayy (〃^▽^〃) Now I just need to find the time to write the scripts I've been meaning to write and I'd feel extra productive
We've also been open for 3 months now, with fairly consistent updates, which considering my past attempts at running TCGs is something I'm proud of myself for Go time management and mini TCGs \o/ And a huge shout-out to all the owners running full-fledged TCGs because wow, I feel like I'm struggling with snow sometimes so major kudos to ya'll! I both respect and fear your awesomeness and can I has some of that awesome
Stay awesome everyone! Till next time
I think you're doing a wonderful job ^_^<3
Update Freebies ( 30 July 2016 ): New Decks: greenhouse07, greenhouse14, curious09, connected102 Hotaru on 30 Jul 2016 | 10:08 pm
New Decks: blueplanet05, blueplanet10, unwelcomechange16, unwelcomechange17
Thank you! Vanja on 30 Jul 2016 | 10:37 pm
Thank you for the update! I can't imagine how time consuming running a TCG must be, but I am really enjoying Snow and think you're doing a great job. :)
Update Freebies ( 30 July 2016 ):
New Decks: unwelcomechange02, unwelcomechange09, curious16, blueplanet12 Amber on 31 Jul 2016 | 01:48 am
New Decks: greenhouse05, greenhouse07, unwelcomechange09, blueplanet08
Thanks for the update! Story on 31 Jul 2016 | 11:46 am
Thanks for all the time and effort you put into Snow! I'm having a lot of fun.
New Decks: connected104, unwelcomechange10, curious07, unwelcomechange08 Rosenel on 31 Jul 2016 | 12:13 pm
Thank you for your hard work! I understand the parent situation completely, and it gets really stressful having to help a parent out financially. I hope the situation turns out for the best!
New Decks: blueplanet01, blueplanet20, curious11, unwelcomechange09 Becca on 31 Jul 2016 | 02:30 pm
Good luck with the situation at home, I hope it all works out and is the least stressful it can be. Thank you so much for the update!
Update Freebies ( 30 July 2016 ):
New Decks: curious04, curious05, blueplanet12, unwelcomechange14 Lee on 31 Jul 2016 | 03:59 pm
Good luck with the home craziness. Hopefully everything is resolved as smoothly as possible. Do what you need to do, we'll be here when you can be. =) And thanks for the update!
New Decks: greenhouse01, greenhouse20, unwelcomechange13, connected113 Koshiba on 31 Jul 2016 | 08:03 pm
Update Freebies ( 30 July 2016 ):
New Decks: blueplanet09, greenhouse04, unwelcomechange07, blueplanet16
Thanks for the update even with life throwing you such curve balls! Good luck with the job hunting and I hope everything works out for the best.Kearin on 01 Aug 2016 | 01:43 pm
Thank you for the update!
New Decks: greenhouse01, greenhouse02, curious03, connected104 Echo on 01 Aug 2016 | 02:54 pm
You are doing an amazing job running this, and I am sorry to hear about your parents. Thank you for an amazing update:
New Decks: blueplanet12, blueplanet05, curious07, curious06 Medli on 02 Aug 2016 | 03:33 pm
i think you're doing an excellent job with his tcg, honestly. everything is so easy and the graphics are pleasing to look at, and i have rarely run into a problem that i couldn't fix myself by refreshing or correcting the spelling of a card. so thank you for making this tcg a really enjoyable experience so far! i hope everything sorts out for you and your parents. hang in there! we're all behind you
new decks: unwelcomechange01, unwelcomechange02, curious06, curious11 moe on 02 Aug 2016 | 11:37 pm
This TCG is really wonderful and I've had a lot of fun since I joined! I hope things go well for you, Jannet!
Update Freebies ( 30 July 2016 ):
New Decks: unwelcomechange20, unwelcomechange19, connected109, connected112 Eon on 02 Aug 2016 | 11:42 pm
Update Freebies ( 30 July 2016 ):
New Decks: blueplanet04, blueplanet15, unwelcomechange07, unwelcomechange10 Mysti on 04 Aug 2016 | 11:33 pm
I wish you the best of luck with your family situation, I hope things will work out in the most positive way possible!
Update Freebies ( 30 July 2016 ):
New Decks: connected101, connected102, unwelcomechange14, unwelcomechange19 Dina on 05 Aug 2016 | 08:55 am
Update Freebies ( 30 July 2016 ):
New Decks: curious04, curious16, greenhouse12, greenhouse18
i'm sorry to hear about what you're going through! stay strong, everything will work out in the end. and do take as much time as you need; real life should 100% come first. we're cheering for you!Mirai on 05 Aug 2016 | 09:16 am
New Decks: curious04, curious05, unwelcomechange04, unwelcomechange15
So sorry to hear about what's going on; I hope you can stay strong amidst the stressful situation! Hang in there!Natsu on 05 Aug 2016 | 11:03 pm
New Decks: greenhouse11, blueplanet02, curious15, connected108
Thank you for all the work you've put into this TCG, it's been really great! I hope things at home get sorted out quickly, take all the time you need and take care of yourself! Lex on 05 Aug 2016 | 11:40 pm
Update Freebies ( 30 July 2016 ):
New Decks: connected103, connected104, curious05, curious06
Thank you for the update! I'm sorry to hear about your parents but please take all the time you need to sort things out and take care of yourself like others have said!! Cassidy on 09 Aug 2016 | 09:55 pm
Update Freebies ( 30 July 2016 ):
New Decks: blueplanet08, curious08, connected108, greenhouse08 Megumi on 13 Aug 2016 | 08:28 am
Update Freebies ( 30 July 2016 ):
New Decks: connected109, connected112, curious18, unwelcomechange20 Adelicya on 13 Aug 2016 | 08:42 pm
Update Freebies ( 30 July 2016 ):
New Decks: greenhouse09, greenhouse05, curious15, blueplanet08 Cate on 14 Aug 2016 | 05:46 pm
This is a bit late, but I'm sorry to hear about that situation with your parents. Hopefully everything works out for the best! And I think you're doing a wonderful job with Snow
Update Freebies ( 30 July 2016 ):
New Decks: blueplanet19, connected103, greenhouse17, unwelcomechange17
Thank you! Kairi on 19 Aug 2016 | 10:50 am
Update Freebies ( 30 July 2016 ):
New Decks: curious07, curious12, connected111, connected112 Cami on 11 Sep 2016 | 11:58 pm